Recent Publications

Two decades of three-dimensional movement data from adult female northern elephant seals.
Costa DP, RR Holser, TR Keates, et al. (2024). Scientific Data. 

Prey targeted by lactating Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddelli) in Erebus Bay, Antarctica.
Foster-Dyer R.T.N., K.T. Goetz, T. Iwata, R.R. Holser, S.A. Michael, C. Pritchard, S. Childerhouse, D.P. Costa, D.G. Ainley, M.H. Pinkerton, M.A. LaRue. (2024) Polar Biology. DOI: 10.1007/s00300-024-03294-1

Foraging behavior and age affect maternal transfer of mercury to northern elephant seal pups.
Peterson S.H., M.G. Peterson, J.T. Ackerman, C. Debier, C. Goetsch, R.R. Holser, L.A. Hückstädt, J.C. Johnson, T.R. Keates, B.I McDonald, et al. (2024) Scientific Reports. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-54527-6

Effects of disease on foraging behaviour and success in a free-ranging marine mammal, the northern elephant seal.
Holser, R.R., D.E. Crocker, A.B. Favilla, T. Adachi, T. Keates, Y. Naito, D.P. Costa. (2023) Conservation Physiology. DOI: 10.1093/conphys/coad034

Adrenal response to ACTH challenge alters thyroid and immune function and varies with body reserves in molting adult female northern elephant seals.
Northey, A., R.R. Holser, G. Shipway, D.P. Costa, D.E. Crocker (2023) AJP Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology. DOI: 10.1152/ajpregu.00277.2022

Extent and Magnitude of Subsurface Anomalies During the Northeast Pacific Blob as Measured by Animal-Borne Sensors.
Holser, R.R., T.R. Keates, D.P. Costa, C.A. Edwards. (2022) J. Geophys. Res.: Oceans. DOI: 10.1029/2021JC018356

Brain activity of diving seals reveals short sleep cycles at depth.
Kendall-Bar, J.M., T.M. Williams, R. Mukherji, D.A. Lozano, J.K. Pitman, R.R. Holser, T.R. Keates, R.S. Beltran, P.W. Robinson, D.E. Crocker, T. Adachi, O.I. Lyamin, A.L. Vyssotski, D.P. Costa. (2023) Science. DOI: 10.1126/science.adf0566

​Whiskers as hydrodynamic prey sensors in foraging seals.
Adachi, T., Y. Naito, P.W. Robinson, D.P. Costa, L.A. Hückstädt, R.R. Holser, W. Iwasaki, & A. Takahashi. 2022. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2119502119

Previous Publications

Cooley, L.A., A.G. Hindle, C.L. Williams, P.J. Ponganis, S.M. Hannah, H. Klinck, M. Horning, D.P. Costa, R.R. Holser, D.E. Crocker, B.I. McDonald. 2024. Physiological effects of research handling on the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2024.111771.

Beltran R.S., R.R. Lozano, P.A. Morris, P.W. Robinson, R.R. Holser, T.R. Keates, A.B. Favilla, A.M. Kilpatrick, D.P. Costa. 2024. Individual variation in life-history timing: synchronous presence, asynchronous events and phenological compensation in a wild mammal. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 291(2021):20232335.

Welch, H., M. Savoca, S. Brodie, M. Jacox, B. Muhling, T. Clay, M. Cimino, S. Benson, B. Block, M. Conners, et al. 2023. Impacts of marine heatwaves on top predator distributions are variable but predictable. Nature Communications. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-40849-y

Krawczyk, C.A., M.W. Shafer, P.G. Flikkema, R.R. Holser, D.P. Costa. 2023. Trans-Oceanic Subsurface Photovoltaic Performance. Progress in Photovoltaics. DOI: 10.1002/pip.3744

Foster-Dyer, R.T.N, K.T. Goetz, M.H. Pinkerton, T. Iwata, R.R. Holser, S.A. Michael, C. Pritchard, S. Childerhouse, J. Rotella, L. Federwisch, M. LaRue. 2023. First observations of sponge foraging by Weddell seals in Erebus Bay, Antarctica. Polar Biology

Peterson, S.E., J.T. Ackerman, R.R. Holser, B.I. McDonald, D.P. Costa, D.E. Crocker. 2023. Multiple stressors interact in a free-ranging marine mammal: mercury bioaccumulation and cortisol influence endocrine and immune biomarkers. Environmental Science and Technology

​Adachi, T., P. Lovell, J. Turnbull, M. Fedak, B. Picard, C. Guinet, M. Biuw, T. Keates, R.R. Holser, D.P. Costa, D.E. Crocker, and P. Miller. 2023. Body condition changes at sea: onboard calculation and telemetry of body density in diving animals. Methods in Ecology and Evolutiom

​Keates, T.R., E.L. Hazen, R.R. Holser, J. Fiechter, S.J. Bograd, P.W. Robinson and D.P. Costa. 2022. Foraging behavior of a mesopelagic predator in northeastern Pacific eddies. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers

​Costa, D.P., & R.R. Holser. 2022. Animal personality: Worn whiskers reveal resilience. Current Biology, 32(11), R528-R530

Holser, R.R., D.E. Crocker, R. Condit, P.W. Robinson, D.P. Costa. 2021. Density-dependent effects on reproductive output in a capital breeding carnivore, the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris). Proceedings of the Royal Society: B

​Kendall-Bar, JM; R Mukherji; J Nichols; C Lopez; DA Lozano; JK Pitman; RR Holser;  RS Beltran; M Schalles; CA Field; SP Johnson; AL Vyssotski; DP Costa; TM Williams. 2022. Eavesdropping on the brain at sea: development of a surface-mounted system to detect weak electrophysiological signals from wild animals. Animal Biotelemetry

​Harcourt, R, MA Hindell, CR McMahon, KT Goetz, JB Charrassin, K Heerah, RR Holser, ID Jonsen, MR Shero, X Hoenner, R Foster, B Lenting, E Tarszisz, MH Pinkerton. 2021. Regional Variation in Winter Foraging Strategies by Weddell Seals in Eastern Antarctica and the Ross Sea. Front. Mar. Sci.

​Adachi, T, A Takahashi, DP Costa, PW Robinson, LA Huckstadt, SH Peterson, RR Holser, RS Beltran, TR Keates, Y Naito. 2021. Forced into an ecological corner: Round-the-clock deep foraging on small prey by elephant seals. Science Advances

​Khudyakov, JI, RR Holser, CA Vierra, ST Ly, TK Niel, BM Hasan, DE Crocker, DP Costa. 2022. Changes in apolipoprotein abundance dominate proteome responses to prolonged fasting in the northern elephant seal. Journal of Experimental Biology, 225(4).

 ​Adamczak, SK, RR Holser, DP Costa, EB McCabe, & R. Wells. 2021. Body Composition of Common Bottlenose Dolphins in Sarasota Bay, Florida.  Front. Mar. Sci. 8:615773.

​Rzucidlo, CL, ES Sperou, RR Holser, JI Khudyakov, DP Costa, & DE Crocker. 2021. Changes in serum adipokines during natural extended fasts in female northern elephant seals. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 308

​Wright, TJ, RW Davis, RR Holser, LA Hückstädt, CP Danesi, SG Widen, TM Williams, DP Costa, M. Sheffield-Moore. 2020. Changes in Northern Elephant Seal Skeletal Muscle Following Thirty Days of Fasting and Reduced Activity. Frontiers in physiology, 11.

​Yoshino K., A Takahashi, T Adachi, DP Costa, PW Robinson, SH Peterson, LA Hückstädt, RR Holser, Y Naito. 2020. Acceleration-triggered animal-borne videos show a dominance of fish in the diet of female northern elephant seals. Journal of Experimental Biology, 223(5).

​Keates TR, RM Kudela, RR Holser, LA Hückstädt, SE Simmons, DP Costa. 2020. Chlorophyll fluorescence as measured in situ by animal-borne instruments in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Journal of Marine Systems, 203, 103265.

​Horning M, RD Andrews, AM Bishop, PL Boveng, DP Costa, DE Crocker, M Haulena, MA Hindell, AG Hindle, RR Holser, SH Hooker, LA Hückstädt, S Johnson, MA Lea, BI McDonald, CR McMahon, PW Robinson, RE Sattler, CR Shuert, SM Steingass, D Thompson, PA Tuomi, CL Williams, JN Womble. 2019. Best practice recommendations for the use of external telemetry devices on pinnipeds. Animal Biotelemetry, 7, 20.

​McHuron EA, RR Holser, DP Costa. 2019. What’s in a whisker? Disentangling ecological and physiological isotopic signals. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry.

​Hückstädt LA, RR Holser, MS Tift, DP Costa. 2018. The extra burden of motherhood: reduced dive duration associated with pregnancy status in a deep-diving mammal, the northern elephant seal. Biology letters, 14(2), p.20170722.

​Holser RR, MA Goñi, B Hales. 2011. Design and application of a semi-automated filtration system to study the distribution of particulate organic carbon in the water column of a coastal upwelling system. Marine Chemistry, 123, 67-77.